
Geoblocking provides an additional layer of security that restricts access to your content to authorized countries. Specifically, it prevents a user within a restricted country from initiating a playback session or from downloading audio / video segments.

Geoblocking, which requires activation, is incompatible with our Multi-CDN solution. If the Multi-CDN solution has been enabled on your account, then we will need to disable it prior to enabling Geoblocking on your account. Contact your account manager to activate Geoblocking.

How Does It Work?

This section assumes that Geoblocking has been activated on your account. Contact your account manager to enable this capability.

If our service detects a Geoblocking parameter (i.e., and within the playback URL, then this parameter determines the set of countries to which playback is restricted.

Manifest delivery workflow:

Audio / video segment delivery workflow:


Contact your account manager to enable this capability on your account.

Define the set of countries that will either be allowed or denied access to your content by adding one of the following query string parameters to the playback URL:


?[allow|deny]=Country Code[,Country Code 2,Country Code n]

Single Country Example:

Restricts playback to requests that originate from the United States:


Multiple Countries Example:

Restricts playback to requests that originate outside of the United States, Canada, or Mexico:


Key information: